Thursday, August 9, 2012

Pre Ordering

I like to play video games, but I admit I'm not the best at it nor can I keep track of everything that comes out like gamers do. However when it comes to Modern Warfare I'm all about it. I still suck so it doesn't make a difference but I love playing. So when MW3 was going to drop I preordered the special edition. My brother Jay on the other hand said nah they never sell out. Well guess what happened? As we were waiting in line to pick up our games the sales guy announces that they have no more copies for PS3. I could see the pain on my brother's face, the moment his heart dropped when he heard this. Luckily my best friend happen to be at another store at that same moment that had a few copies left and he was able to pick one up for him. I think my brother was on the verge of tears as he was waiting to hear if my friend was able to secure his copy.

So needless to say after that incident I was like yup preordering Black Ops 2. So I finally got to it yesterday and Game Stop is doing preorder specials. They have 4 or 5 waves and depending when you preorder you get certain things. I missed the first wave, boo. The special for the second wave to is a Nuketown 2025 map. Now that I registered I automatically get the specials for the rest of the waves. I think this is pretty sweet since I was already pre ordering the game anyway. Now if only there were a special that could help me not suck so much when I play.

So what are your must pre order games? Have you ever not done so and foud the store sold out?

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Sluggish Week

Hello friends. It's Wednesday, or Hump Day as many of us refer to it. We're mid week and the weekend is within view. Knowing that Friday is around the corner usually gives us that little push we need to get through the week if it isn't going that great. Well at least in my case it does. I can't say I have many weeks where I'm just dragging along, however this week is one of them. I've been sluggish, lacking motivation, and just overall tired. I can't seem to shake it no matter what I do. I'm usually one of those people that might wake up and am ready to go back to bed, but once I'm dressed and out the door I'm ready to conquer the world. So these 3 days in a row of just being blah all day is not working for me. I know we can't be all "seize the day" all day, everyday, but I feel like my body and mind just aren't getting into gear. Maybe my workout session tonight will give me a jump start. What are some of the things you do to jump start yourself?

Anywho enough of my battle with this sluggish feeling. I was looking at my calendar today and realized two things. 1. that my new school semester starts in about 2 weeks. I'm always excited for school even though I know it's going to mean having less of a social life, and more of me busting my arse for work and school. It can be tricky and sometimes overwhelming, but I know in the end it'll be worth it. The other thing I noticed it that summer will be over soon. This saddens me to no end because I love summer. I love going to the beach, being outdoors, the clothing, and above all not worrying about snow. I think the one thing I'll miss the most is going to the beach. I love, love, love the beach. I'm sure you know that since I made a post about it over the past weekend. I try to go as often as I can, and this summer I've been lucky enough to go quite a few times. I know I still have some time left to make a few more trips down to the shore, but just the thought of not being able to jump into the ocean soon kinda saddens me.

What about you? Are you a summer person or are you ready for the cold already? What are some of your favorite summer activities?

Well loves I'm off to get some work done, or at least try to. Hope you're all having a fabulous week. till next time.


Monday, August 6, 2012

Who Me Tech Nerd??

So before I begin please know that this post by no means is to push Apple on anyone or persuade you in any way. With that being said I can make a confession now, I'm an Apple whore. I swear by Apple, and it's products. I'm always raving to my friends about my MacBook, a few have joined the dark side buah ha ha. By the way that's my evil laugh just in case. I own an iPhone, iPad, iPod, and MacBook. I hope to be buying a desktop next year (depending on certain things to be discussed later). Anywho this isn't about all the Apple gadgets I own or don't. This ladies and gents is about the travesty that has occurred today.

So lately I have been neglecting my MacBook, because I'm always on the iPad. However now that I'm back to writing I prefer to do so from the Mac. Well of course the thing would go and and start acting up on me now. I can't say I'm surprised since I've been neglecting it, but damn why??? Now I'm not the most tech savvy person, but I know a few things (ok maybe just how to turn stuff on and transfer songs on to my devices), and I know for a fact my baby is not up to par. As I was attempting to edit some pictures, and browsing my usual sites it froze on me, then proceeded to inform me something or another about needing space on my start up disk (I think). It did this 3 more times before I just gave up. So here I am sitting here staring at it like wtf could be wrong. Since I have no clue I'll wait for the Mr. to get home and inform me on the status of my machine. I'm hoping it isn't anything too serious or expensive. I'm also keeping my fingers crossed that whatever it may be won't take too long to fix since I want to work on a new site design, which by the way I've never done before so we'll see how that goes.

So how many of you out there are tech savvy? Should I be freaking out right now? Or are you like me and have no idea what I'm talking about?


Sunday, August 5, 2012

The Ocean Gives Me Life

Yesterday was a beach day with my family and friends. We went down to Spring Lake, NJ to catch some rays and play in the ocean. Spring Lake is by far one of my favorite beaches here. It's clean, family friendly, beautiful, and above all not full of rowdy and rude people. If you ever have the opportunity to check out this wonderful spot please do, you won't regret it.

Anyways enough of my love for Spring Lake. There's something about the sea that makes me happy from head to toes. The smell of the ocean air, the waves, the sand between my toes, I love it all. Whenever I having a bad day my mood is instantly changed the minute I'm at the shore. As I breathe in the salt filled air my body is filled with such happiness. I swear I was a mermaid in another lifetime. My dream is to buy a house on a beach. Being able to wake up to the salty air, and walking on the sand everyday would make me the happiest person on earth. Beach days are my favorite summer days. I would go every weekend if I could.

I hope you're enjoying your weekend as much as I am. Remember to take time to relax.


Friday, August 3, 2012

Take time out...

In this day and age most of us are busy bees. We run from meeting to meeting, class to class, and one event to the next. I know this too well. Being a mother, working full time, and back in school taking 3 classes a semester, I am constantly on the go. It's exhausting and overwhelming at times. Go, go, go is what most of us live by. So often are we caught up in the run around that we forget to stop, breathe, and enjoy the little things in life.

Yesterday I was out with my family when my husband pointed out the sky, and how amazing it looked. I stopped and looked and it was truly amazing. Had my husband not said anything I might've just kept going without noticing it. Sometimes we have to remember to stop and take things in. Without doing so we may be missing out on a moment, we would've otherwise not noticed. So my goal, and I encourage you to set a similar one, is to just stop sometimes throughout the day and take in your surroundings. Appreciate what you have. Admire the scenery, whether it's the sky, some flowers, or just people walking by, and enjoy those few minutes of not rushing to and from. Stop and smell the flowers, yes I know that's such a cliche, but do so and enjoy the wonderful things in your day to day life. Have a fabulous Friday.


Thursday, August 2, 2012

Random Pics that I'm loving

Besides writing taking pictures has always been one of my loves. Capturing that moment and freezing it, being able to go back and looking at pictures, remembering those special occasions. So obviously I'm all about Instagram. Here are just a few pictures from my trip to New Hope, Pa and Lambertville, NJ. It was such a beautiful day, and I had so much fun. Enjoy.


Decisions, decisions...

So I've been contemplating over what content I want on my blog. Which direction I want to go. Let me tell you, trying to figure that out has been a challenge. Do I focus on one thing? If so what? Do I make it as random as I am? So many ways I can go with this.

After all that thinking I decided I won't focus on just one thing. Truth be told my mind is so all over the place that it would be impossible for me to just write about let's say beauty, or family. So this will be my place to get my thoughts out about whatever may be taking up space in this head of mine.

PS: If there's anything in particular you would be interested in reading about leave me a comment or send me an email.


Location:The Desi Cave