Friday, August 3, 2012

Take time out...

In this day and age most of us are busy bees. We run from meeting to meeting, class to class, and one event to the next. I know this too well. Being a mother, working full time, and back in school taking 3 classes a semester, I am constantly on the go. It's exhausting and overwhelming at times. Go, go, go is what most of us live by. So often are we caught up in the run around that we forget to stop, breathe, and enjoy the little things in life.

Yesterday I was out with my family when my husband pointed out the sky, and how amazing it looked. I stopped and looked and it was truly amazing. Had my husband not said anything I might've just kept going without noticing it. Sometimes we have to remember to stop and take things in. Without doing so we may be missing out on a moment, we would've otherwise not noticed. So my goal, and I encourage you to set a similar one, is to just stop sometimes throughout the day and take in your surroundings. Appreciate what you have. Admire the scenery, whether it's the sky, some flowers, or just people walking by, and enjoy those few minutes of not rushing to and from. Stop and smell the flowers, yes I know that's such a cliche, but do so and enjoy the wonderful things in your day to day life. Have a fabulous Friday.


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